Essential Pitch Checklist: Key Investor Questions You Need to Answer

The essential pitch checklist includes the main question you must be able to answer for each of the 10 core topics in your pitch deck, along with the three related questions that are important to investors.

Answering these questions about the core topics, including the problem being solved, the solution, market opportunity, business model, team and financial projections, is critical to building trust with investors and obtaining funding.

Per the top do’s and don’ts article, you need to be able to answer these questions clearly, concisely and coherently, to convince investors to pay attention and potentially invest in your startup.

Here is the first half of the essential pitch checklist that focuses on the business foundation. Consider that these are the six topics that are most meaningful to building your elevator pitch.

Business Foundation

Here is the first half of the essential pitch checklist that focuses on the business foundation. Consider that these are the six topics that are most meaningful to building your elevator pitch.

When you’re presenting the problem, for example, you must be able to explain what the problem is, who your customers are, how are they affected by the problem based on their personas, and how much are they suffering from the related pain. You might consider beginning your pitch with a customer story (use case) that helps to communicate the problem and its impacts.

Ideally, you want to answer these questions in your pitch deck so that it’s obvious to the investors. If you need to expand on your answers, you can do so in your narrative.

Business Realization

Here is the second half of the essential pitch checklist that focuses on the business realization.

Note that these will not be the only questions investors ask. But if you answer them in your deck and/or in your narrative, you will have addressed most of what investors will want to know about your startup.


Using the essential pitch checklist, including the business foundation and business realization components, will help you build pitch decks efficiently. It will also ensure you don’t miss any important questions you will likely be asked during a pitch.

Addressing each of these critical questions with a well-prepared and confident response will demonstrate your preparedness. It will also help you to build trust with investors and increase your chances of securing funding.