
Your privacy is important at CapStrideThis privacy policy will help you understand how we collect and use personal information.

Our website will use cookies and server logs to collect information about how our website is used. This may include date and time of visits, pages viewed, time spent, IP address, and websites visited just before and just after ours.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small text document, which includes an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit a website, it will ask your device for permission to store the cookie on your device. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it. Your browser only permits a website to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites.

At our website, we will use cookies to save your login information and screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, while screen display cookies last for a year. If you select "Remember Me", your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

Email Information

If you correspond with us via email, we may retain the content of your messages and your email address. We provide the same protection for your email as we do for regular mail or telephone. This also applies when you register for our website, sign up through a form or make a purchase.

We are committed to keeping your e-mail address confidential. We will not sell, rent or lease our subscription lists to third parties. We will not provide your information to any third party, government or company at any time unless compelled to do so by law. We will use your e-mail address solely to provide information about our products and services.

Email Policies

In compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, all e-mail we send will clearly state who the e-mail is from and provide clear information on how to contact the sender. All e-mail messages will also contain information on how to remove yourself from our mailing list.

Our site allows users to opt-out of receiving messages from us and our partners. Users who no longer wish to receive our products or materials may opt-out of receiving these communications by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the e-mail.

Use of External Links

Our website may contain links to other sites though we cannot guarantee the accuracy of information at those sites. Links to or from sites not owned by CapStride do not constitute an endorsement unless we explicitly indicate it in our content.

Intellectual Property Rights

All copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights, and all content and software on this site shall remain the sole property of CapStride. The use of our trademarks, intellectual property and content is forbidden without our written consent.

You may not republish, redistribute, sell, rent, duplicate or otherwise exploit material on this website without prior written consent.

User Inputs

We collect user input (e.g., first name, email address) from our website forms. We also collect user generated comments from our blog posts. We may collect additional information (e.g., browser user agent, IP address) to help us detect spam.

We store user input data indefinitely. This allows us to recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

If you have created an account, opted-in or left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we have stored. You can also request that we erase your personal data. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Acceptable Use

You agree to use our website only for lawful purposes. You agree to do so in a way that does not infringe on the rights of others or does not inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of the website.

You agree not to harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any other user. You agree not to transmit obscene, offensive or illegal content or disrupt the normal flow of dialogue within our website. You also agree not to use our website to send unsolicited commercial communications.

Use of Testimonials

Per the United States Federal Trade Commission guidelines, we will post testimonials as text, audio or video on our website. The testimonials reflect experiences of those who have used our products or services. We do not claim the experiences as typical results, which may vary among users.

The testimonials displayed on this site are reproduced verbatim, except for correction of grammatical or typing errors. Some testimonials may be shortened if too lengthy or if not relevant to the purpose of our website.

How Do We Secure Your Information?

We may use software applications to create summary statistics, which are used to assess visitor behavior on our website. This includes the number of visitors, the pages they view, the information they consider most or least interesting, and the time they spend. We also use the statistics to identify and improve website performance.

For security purposes and to ensure our website remains available to all users, we also monitor network traffic. We identify unauthorized attempts to upload data, change existing content or cause related damage.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

All the materials on this website are provided "as is" without any implied warranty. We shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of information) arising from the use or inability to use the materials.

Policy Changes

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at any time with or without notice. However, please be assured that if the privacy policy changes in the future, we will not use the personal information you have submitted to us under this privacy policy in a manner that is materially inconsistent with this privacy policy, without your prior consent.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these policies to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.


If you have any questions regarding this policy, or your interactions with our website, please contact us.